Down in Carolina Dozens celebrate "Car Free Day ".
This is an alternative/complement to "Bike 2 Work" Day (or Bike to Work, if you're old school.) which the City of Carbondale sponsored in October, 2002 and May.
Thursday, September 30, 2004 | 09/23/2004 | The day cars disappeared: Cities focus on traffic, smog
Sept. 22 was The day cars disappeared, as cities focus on traffic, smog: "More than 1,500 municipalities, chiefly in Europe, participated in the seventh annual car-free day campaign by setting up roadblocks to prevent nonessential automobile traffic from entering city centers. The campaign also spread to cities in Japan and South America."
Monday, September 27, 2004
Mike better for bikes in NYC Mayor gets support from proponents of alternate means of transportation, though they hope to see more.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Bicycle Friendly Community?
Bicycle Friendly Community Actio Plan: A Program of the League of American Bicyclists.